
RCMP: Hallowe'en scariest for miscreants

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
October 28th, 2009

Castlegar cops are supporting the spooky – but only  to a point, as they are stepping up services to prevent Hallowe’en hijinks from getting out of hand.

“Officers will be dedicated to deal with issues at Kinnaird Park, Millennium Park, the Recreation Complex and any other potential problem areas,” said RCMP Cpl. Deb Postnikoff. “We will be working in partnership with City Works, the Castlegar Fire Department, as well as Citizens on Patrol (COP), who will also be supplying people to enhance patrol capability.

“The (director) of City Works has ordered a closure of Kinnaird Park – historically a problem area – and will be taking a zero-tolerance approach with regards to that area. People found in the park deliberately defying the closure order will be removed and charged under the Parks Bylaw. A penalty of $50 applies”

Postnikof went on to call for communtiy responsibility to ensure everyone enjoys a safe and happy Hallowe’en.

“I am hoping that parents/ guardians can reiterate to their children that should they become involved in any kind of inappropriate behavior, they will be dealt with accordingly and parents will be notified and asked to pick up their children at the RCMP detachment,” she said.  “It is important that youth be aware that what appears to be a fun prank can result in negative results (ie: throwing rotten apples at houses or vehicles creates damage to property or injury to innocent people) and they will be held responsible for their actions. Homeowners have the right to enjoy their property and not be fearful that their property will be damaged by fire or mischief related acts.”

Police roadblocks will also be present at various locations throughout Castlegar.

For mor information, contac the detachment at 250-365-7721

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