
Government green energy advisory task force seeks public input

By Contributor
December 2nd, 2009

B.C.’s Green Energy Advisory Task Force has launched a website that invites British Columbians to submit their ideas and input on the future of clean and renewable energy in B.C.

Following its first meetings, on Nov.27 and 28, the advisory task force  has launched the website, www.greenenergyadvisorytaskforce.ca. The website asks B.C. residents to submit their ideas and input on the following subjects: clean energy procurement and regulatory reform; carbon pricing, trading and clean energy export market development; community engagement and First Nations partnerships; and clean energy resource development.

Submissions can be made via an email form until Dec. 31. The ideas and input submitted through the website will help inform the recommendations the task force makes to government in January 2010.

The Green Energy Advisory Task Force is dedicated to ensuring B.C. remains a leader in clean and renewable energy. The advisory task force is composed of four advisory task force groups, reporting directly to the Cabinet Committee on Climate Action and Clean Energy.


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