
Kinnaird kids show grown-ups the true meaning of Christmas

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
December 18th, 2009

Kids throughout Castlegar set a fine example for us grown-ups this year, showing the true spirit of Christmas by raising money and collecting food and toys for the Castlegar Firefighters’ Toy Drive and the Community Harvest Food Bank to help neighbours in need this holiday season.Kinnaird Elementary School students in Ms. Bryden’s and Ms. McDicken’s Grade 2 classes held cupcake/muffin sales in December and raised over $400.  Both classes then went on a shopping spree at Canadian Tire to shop for toys.The toys were then donated to the Castlegar Fireman’s Toy Drive.  

Tell The Source what your kids, your class or your community members did to celebrate the giving season by posting your own photos and anecdotes or emailing them to us at  info@castlegarsource.com

Photo: Ms. Stephens’s class organized a school-wide food drive during the month of December. We also had a pizza day and made $125 for the food drive. This is Ms. Stephen’s class loading the 1,058 food items and the $125 cheque into a truck to be transported to the Community Harvest Food Bank. Photo courtesy Kinnaird Elementary School.

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