
Fundraising and food - avoiding the permit pitfalls

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
March 13th, 2010

Food is so often at the heart of community fundraising – barbecues, bake sales and the like – but the complex rules and regulations governing food sale may be overwhelming to those with even the best of intentions.

No stranger to fundraising herself, Castlegar Hospice executive director Suzanne Lehbauer set out to address this problem, contacting Trail-based health officer Graham Piper.

“He will explain who needs a temporary food permit, why a permit is needed and answer all of your questions,” said Lehbauer. “There’s no much confusion about who needs a permit, when and for what.”

As a leader of a community organization herself, she said there are myriad local non-profits and community groups that would probably benefit from Piper’s direction – so she gave him a call.

“He was very enthusiastic, and wants everyone to have the right information,” she said. “We’re all in the same boat, and need to be on the same page.
“It’s a great opportunity to ask all those questions most of us have.”

The meeting is being held on March 17 from 10:30 a.m. to noon in the Columbia Room at the Community Complex. Please Suzanne Lehbauer at 250-304-1266 for more information or to confirm your attendance.

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