
Police ask for help investigating conspicious theft

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
May 10th, 2010

Castlegar RCMP are investigating a theft that may welll have caught someone’s attention, as it involved 18-foot, 300+pound brass rods.

“(Police) received a report of a break, enter and theft from a B.C Hydro warehouse located west of Hugh Keeleyside Dam on Broadwater Road,” said Cpl. Mike Mysko. “The theft occurred sometime Friday or Saturday . Six brass rods measuring 2- 3/8 inches in diameter and 18 ft. 11 inches in length were taken. The rods weighed 302 pounds each.”

Mysko said police are asking anyone with any information to please contatc the local RCMp detachment at 250-365-7721.

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