
May long weekend a yawn for Castlegar emergency services

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
May 26th, 2010

Rainy weather seems to have dampened some of the less-savoury spirits in Castlegar as local police and fire fighters are reporting an unusually uneventful May long weekend.

Fire chief Gerry Rempel said that, beyond a small brush fire and a false alarm or two, it was a great weekend to get local firetrucks and equipment polished to a sheen.

“There really wasn’t much going on,” he said. “We had a minor brush fire in Fairview Saturday morning. I think it was from that lightning storm last week, and had been smoldering for a couple of days.”

He said an alert citizen called it in and the fire department was able to promptly extinguish it.

Police reported a similarly quiet couple of days.

“It was very uneventful,” said RCMP Cpl. Dan Pollock. “There were five bonfire-type parties Friday night, and a couple of minor fights, but that’s all, and Saturday was dead quiet.”

“I’m fairly new to the area, but I’m told it’s partly because more people seem to be heading out of the area to go camping and holiday, and there’s fewer people coming here.

“And any time it’s rainy and cold, there will be fewer people out and about.”


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