
Transit service improvements considered

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
June 2nd, 2010

A meeting last week between BC Transit, the City of Castlegar and the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) may see major changes to area transportation, according to Castlegar mayor Lawrence Chernoff.

Chernoff said the meeting was to discuss new plans created by BC Transit in response to public input.

“BC Transit has looked at school, college and mill schedules, and come up with an ambitious formula for improving and increasing service – it looks at everything from the types of buses to use (smaller one are more fuel efficient) to connections to Trail and Nelson. That all comes into play, and it should benefit everyone in the area.”

He said the plan will come to council for consideration in the very near future, at which point implementation schedules and strategy may be considered…but there’s a catch when it comes to moving forward.

“People need to remember that if we’re going to improve services, there’s going to be a cost involved.”

Councillor Kevin Chernoff, one of several councillors in attendance at last Thursday’s meeting, agreed.

“It’s going to be a number-crunch,” he said. “The question will be, at this time, whether we can afford it or not – the city would be paying for the lion’s share of it, because it’s in our jurisdiction.”

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