
DriveSmart BC: New Year's Resolutions 2025

January 5th, 2025

Do you make new year’s resolutions? I decided that I should this year and because of my interest, why not make it on my driving. With a little thought I resolved to take more time to scan my surroundings carefully before I did something like make a lane change or move away from a stop sign.

Having done that I wondered if my newsletter readers would have some valuable input on their choices so I decided to ask. They did not disappoint me and shared these:


I resolve to come to a full stop at stop signs and before turning right at a red light.


I resolve to hesitate when the light turns green and let the other vehicles enter the intersection first. “First in, first dead” was a term that we used in the fire service.


I resolve to become a safer driver by choosing not to drive between dusk and dawn because too many cyclists and pedestrians in my area wear dark clothing and cycle or walk in front of oncoming vehicles.  They seem to assume they are seen by drivers and have the right of way.


I resolve to drive in the right lane and stay on the speed limit; as well, when the inevitable lane changing driver cuts close in front of me (with or without signalling), I will not react other than to slowly increase the safety distance between our vehicles.


I don’t make resolutions, but as a motorcyclist with mild ADD I always aspire to improve my focus, and my tolerance for other drivers.


My resolution took place last June 20. My driver’s licence was up for renewal but with a couple of serious medical issues over the past two years, I chose not to renew it.


I resolve to perform shoulder checks every time it is required, all lane changes and merge situations.


I resolve to install a dash cam in my car. It would be protection if something went wrong on the road and help me identify witnesses if it does.


I resolve to refresh my knowledge about road signs, MVA regulations and what all the bells and whistles on my new vehicle are for.


I resolve to always back into driveways and parking spots when I can’t pull through. This is much safer than reversing into traffic.

What Are Your Resolutions?

Even if you don’t make formal new year’s resolutions it is worth a moment of thought to identify a potential weakness in your driving skills. Being aware is the first step to improvement.

Story URL: https://www.drivesmartbc.ca/miscellaneous/new-years-resolutions-2025

Categories: GeneralOp/Ed
