
Castlegar youth help prompt public recycling

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
June 23rd, 2010

 Castlegar youth have spoken … and they have been heard.

City director of transportation and public works Chris Barlow said the idea of recycling bins in strategic places throughout the Castlegar as been resurrected due, at least in part, to local youth input.
“We were looking at it some time ago, but that’s when the city put a freeze on capital spending due to the Celgar issue,” Barlow said. “Buying the bins can be costly, as they have to be vandal-proof and sturdy enough to stand up to all four seasons.”
He said the bins are similar in size to regular garbage receptacles, but are divided into compartments for recyclables like bottles, cans and paper as well as a space for regular garbage.
He said it’s likely the city will start with four such receptacles and expand in years to come, with the first recycling bins at City Hall, Millennium Park, the Comlplex and the skate park.
He said the one at the skate park is a direct response to lobbying from the young people who frequent the venue.
“Kids were having to place pop cans and other reyclables beside the garbage cans,” he said, explaining the youths were unwilling to simply toss what could be recycled into the trash. “We’re definitely wanting to encourage that kind of behaviour.”
Residents can expect to see these receptacles in place as early as July of this year.

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