
Break stuff for the greater good

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
August 11th, 2010

 Finally – an event in which you can serve your community by breaking stuff.

City councillor and manager of Andrew Sheret and Splashes Russ Hearne said a special evening is coming up to raise money for ALS and the local food bank – and you do it by shattering glass.
“It’ll be at the Castegar Golf Club, and it’s patterned after the TV show called ‘The Big Break’,” he said. “There’s a target with glass in it, and the goal is to hit the golf ball at the target hard enough to break the glass. There’ll be prizes for the people who break it.”
He said the Castlegar Golf Club already has a 24-hours-of-golf relay event to raise money for ALS, and he and his staff wanted to pitch in with their own event.
“Who doesn’t like to break stuff or play with fire?” he said. “Gerry (Castlegar fire chief Gerry Rempel) won’t let us burn anything down, so …”
He said Andrew Sheret will already be sponsoring the men’s night Aug. 25, so this seemed like a perfect addition – the targets will be set up on the driving range, so you can give them a go before heading out onto the greens.
“It’ll only cost $2 a shot, or three shots for $5, so it’s not overwhelming,” he said. “I*n fact, it should be a lot of fun.”
He said the event will run from early afternoon until sunset, and all proceeds will go to the food bank and ALS.
For more information, call 250-365-2597.

Categories: General
