
Castlegar celebrates the United Nations' International Day of Peace

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
September 22nd, 2010

More than 55 residents gathered at the Station Museum in downtown Castlegar last night to celebrate the United Nations’ International Day of Peace.

The hour-long event included musical presentations from local children and speeches from local dignitaries, including J.J. Verigin Jr., executive director of the Doukhobor Union of Spiritual Communities of Christ (USCC).

City councillor Deb McIntosh said she applauds the committment shown by local peace activists.

“I appreciate you all being here – the best way to teach peace is to lead by example,” she told the assembled crowd.

“We would do well to folow the example you’re setting here – not just on International Peace Day, but every day.”

The event was organized by the Kootenay Region Branch of the United Nations Association in Canada (KRUNA).

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