
Provincial budget consultations come to Castlegar

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
September 22nd, 2010

 Castlegar residents will get the chance, tomorrow, to weigh in on the province’s 2011 budget, as members of the select standing committee on finance and government services offer a public consultation meeting at the Sandman Inn from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m.

Committee chair John Les said residents can provide budget input in a variety of ways – by attending the public hearing tomorrow, participating in an on-line survey (http://www.leg.bc.ca/budgetconsultations), or providing written submissions or a video or audio file.
Residents can register for the public hearing by contacting the Office of the Clerk of Committees at 250-356-2933 or toll-free in BC: 1-877-428-8337, or by e-mail to FinanceCommittee@leg.bc.ca.
The committee asks participants to provide 14 copies of any written material to be presented at the hearing, and said they haven’t the time to accept PowerPoint presentations.
In a rare moment of accord, local NDP representatives concurred with Les in stressing the importance of public participation to determine budget priorities.
“British Columbians deserve a government that will be up front about its priorities and consult with them about the decisions that affect their lives,” said Doug Donaldson, the New Democrat MLA who sits as vice-chair of the committee. “Even though the B.C. Liberals have a long history of ignoring the needs of British Columbians, the budget consultation hearings this week will give Kootenay residents a chance to make sure their opinions are on the record.
“This is the perfect chance for Kootenay residents to send a message to the B.C. Liberals about their HST doublecross.”
For more information on the meetings or other means of public consultation for the 2011 budget, visit http://www.leg.bc.ca/budgetconsultations

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