
MP pens open letter to Stockwell Day re: RCMP funding

Alex Atamanenko
By Alex Atamanenko
September 29th, 2010

 Dear Minister Day,

As you are probably aware, a number of our rural communities are suffering due to the lack of resources for police funding.
Municipal officials are questioning why the federal government is downloading training costs onto the province and municipalities who cannot afford to pay for additional members. They believe that funding should be allocated for replacements to cover maternity, paternity and sick leave instead of forcing other members in a detachment to absorb additional files.
As you can imagine, this is resulting in case overload and putting additional stress on members of the RCMP. As one mayor stated to me, “the RCMP top brass and the Treasury Board should be held accountable for poor planning regarding maternity and paternity leave and then trying to solve the problem by amalgamation which is nothing more than spreading the thin yellow line even thinner”.
Minister, I urge you to give priority to this matter so that we can continue to have viable safe rural communities.
Alex Atamanenko, MP
BC Southern Interior

Categories: Op/Ed


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