
Mandatory bicycle parking for Castlegar

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
October 13th, 2010

 The City of Castlegar is garnering national attention for upping the ‘green’ ante once again, this time by requiring mandatory bicycle parking for new business construction.

Councillor Kevin Chernoff said CBC has interviewed him regarding the new regulations, which came about while city council was reconsidering its mandatory vehicular parking bylaws. Chernoff said the city historically required a bit too much in terms of parking spaces and council was looking ta altering the requirement formula when it was suggested the situation presented an opportunity to further the city’s green agenda.   “We voted on it (and passed it) last council meeting,” he said. “There is now a set required minimum of bicycle parking for new construction, depending on the building and lot size.”   He said the new requirements dovetail nicely with the city’s new Pedestrian and Cyclist Master Plan, as well as with the city’s push to see less energy consumption, both as a corporation and as a community.   “It promotes a healthier lifestyle and a healthier environment for the whole community,” he said.   He also said it should create a tidy tie-in with city transit services.   “Most of our busses are equiped to take bikes, so you can bus into town and bike back, or bike into town and bus back – we’re trying to make green solutions more accessible and user-friendly,” he said.

Categories: General
