
Two more arrests, hundreds more pot plants seized in third grow-up bust

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
November 3rd, 2010

 A Nov.-1 9-1-1 call prompted yet another residential grow-op bust in Castlegar, as well as the arrest of two people and the seizure of 141 pot plants, bringing the total of grow-op plants seized in the area in the past week to over 1,000.

“The Castlegar Detachment responded to a 9-1-1 hang-up call in the 1900 block of Pass Creek Road,” said RCMP Cpl. Deb Postnikoff.  “It appears the occupants of the residence were involved in a verbal argument that prompted a call to be made to the 9-1-1- call center. A small marihuana grow operation, consisting of 141 marihuana plants, was located inside the home.”
A 26-year-old Castlegar man and a 22-year-old Castlegar woman were arrested and will be charged with Production and Possession of Cannabis Marihuana (names will be withheld until official charges are sworn). The pair will have their first appearance at the Castlegar Court House on Dec. 22.
In related news, RCMP are reporting an eerily quiet Hallowe’en season.
“Castlegar RCMP experienced a steady, yet uneventful, Gate Night and Hallowe’en,” Postnikoff said. “During the two days, police responded to 31 calls for service, mainly routine in nature. The majority of complaints were relating to noise bylaw contravention, minor mischief offences, and liquor related offences.”
Postnikoff said police activity over the two-day period included five liquor seizures, seven violation tickets contrary to the Motor Vehicle Act, nine violation tickets contrary to the Liquor Control and Licensing Act and numerous notice and orders (warnings) contrary to the Motor Vehicle Act.
“One 31-year-old Coquitlam male was charged for care and control of a motor vehicle over 0.8 and a local 21-year-old Castlegar male was issued a 90-day immediate roadside prohibition.”

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