
Castlegar remembers

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
November 11th, 2010

Remembrance Day ceremonies tomorrow will begin at 10:30 a.m. outside of West’s department store on Third Street.

From there, a procession will head east to the cenotaph at Kinsmen Park, arriving at around 10:50 a.m.

The crowd will sing ‘Oh Canada’, then Mayor Lawrence Chernoff will open the program with remarks, these to be followed by comments from a representative of MLA Katrine Conroy, who will not be able to attend in person.

Next will come  the reading of the roll of honour (area residents who died in combat) and the laying of the wreaths, including the Mother’s Wreath, this year carried by Joan Blais, whose husband served in the navy during the Korean war.

All those who wish will then march back to Thrid Street and disperse, re-gathering at the Royal Canadian Legion on Columbia Avenue, where there will be refreshments upstair for kids and a lounge downstairs for adults.

The public is welcome to attend any and all of the sceduled events listed above.

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