
BREAKING NEWS: Appeal filed today in City Centre Motel case

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
January 6th, 2011

Owners of the City Centre Motel in downtown Castlegar filed an appeal today in regard to a Nov.-19 B.C. Supreme Court ruling upholding the city’s right to demolish the motel.

(See https://castlegarsource.com/news/politics/castlegar-wins-supreme-court-case-over-city-centre-motel-8474).

The owners (Susan McLaren, with Basil McLaren acting as her agent), responded to the decision by requesting a stay of demolition, which was granted until Jan. 31, and city director of development services Phil Markin told The Source today that the court will hear the appeal on Jan. 28.

Castlegar Mayor Lawrence Chernoff said he’s not surprised the court case is continuing.

“It’s a process,” he said. “You just have to let it play out.

“I think this appeal is the final step, and we look forward to having a resolution.”

The court case stemmed from a council resolution Feb. 15 demanding remedial action at the site, to be undertaken either by the owners, or by the city at the owners’ expense.


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