
Millennium Park due for a facelift?

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
January 20th, 2011

 A master plan for Millennium Park will soon be in the works, now that city council has unanimously voted to hire HB Lanarc Consultants conduct public consultations and develop recommendations for the park.

Council chair of the transportation and civic works committee Kevin Chernoff said Lanarc’s proposal stood out among the dozen received due to its comprehensive public input element.
“These people were willing to do a lot more public consultation to get to the end of this, (whereas some bidders) were unwilling to do any at all,” Chernoff said.
As part of the bid, Lanarc has committed to two public open house meetings, a design workshop and an online presence to allow for public feedback during the initial design processes.
“They’ll also be applying their expertise as to current recreational trends and environmental constraints,” added city manager John Malcolm. “We’re hoping to have a completed plan in place by this March.”
Both Malcolm and Chernoff concurred that an expedited process was desirable, as it would allow the city to respond pro-actively to projects suggested by, and likely to be funded by, other community organizations, such as the Rotary Club’s proposed outdoor exercise facility and Hospice’s proposed memorial wall.
Check back with The Source for dates, times and URL information allowing for your feedback in Mellennium Park’s future.

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