
Putting the fun in fundraiser: The Price Is Jeopardy Or No Deal Of Fortune is back

Andrew Zwicker
By Andrew Zwicker
March 9th, 2011

It’s not every night that you get to take part in mass sing-alongs to Disney songs and witness public swapping of clothes between male and females in front of a crowd in the Miners’ Hall, but this weekend–for the third time–one of Rossland’s most fun annual fundraising events will once again provide just that mix. And more.


Building on trivia and game nights, far more prevalent down under, Phil Loosley (aka game show host extraordinaire Phillus Dillus) had the idea to bring such a night to Rossland. Shortly after getting involved with the Rossland Radio co-op he brought the idea to the group and they let him fly at it as a fundraiser for the not-for-profit station.


Pulling the event together largely on his own the first go around with tremendous support from the local business community, Dillus was clearly on to something. Year one brought out a large and energetic crowd that proclaimed the night a massive hit.


Working individually in that first year, challenges ranging from trivia through naming album covers with the words removed to games that challenged the inhibitions of contestants capitalized on the free, competitive and anything-for-fun spirit of Rosslanders.


“It went off really well and people seemed to really enjoy it, noted Loosley. “The second year I said let’s do it again but do it as a team event this year. The stoke people had from the first one helped as we sold out in advance last year and it seemed even bigger and better. People have been asking me for the last twelve months when I was going to do it again. It just seems to have captured people’s imagination.”


This weekend, the people’s wishes will be granted as year three of “The Price Is Jeopardy Or No Deal Of Fortune” returns to the Miners’ Hall this Saturday night.


Building on the success and somewhat surprising acceptance of even the most potentially embarrassing challenges in year one, the event built on that attitude and cranked things up another notch for year two.


“Last year , knowing people would get up and do stupid things in public gave me some more freedom, so I thought, ‘let’s put it out there and see what people are willing to do and what length they are willing to go to to win’,” added Loosely.


And participate they did, with strength, fortitude and perhaps just a little liquid courage to dull the inhibitions. Straying close to the line, but not beyond it challenges included Let’s Make a Deal style “Who’s got a…?” challenges to literally having a speed clothes swap in which a male contestant from each team had to swap clothes with a female contestant as fast as possible along with some at times shockingly good or shockingly bad charades depending on how you viewed it.


A natural host, Loosley has received much praise for leading the revels and is as much a part of the entertainment as the games themselves. Without revealing or leaking any secrets for fear of tainting the night, Loosley has got a few new tricks and tweaks up his sleeve for this year’s event.


“It’s the same but different,” added the host vaguely. “I’ve had people that have said do the same show and it will still be fun. I feel like I would like to give people some new things but at the same time not disappoint anyone. So some things will be done again that we’ve done before but changed slightly, some things the same and a few new things perhaps. I don’t want to give things away at this stage. Last year people caught on and started bringing some random items like spare underwear in case they had to put them on a friend or something.”


Not just fun, the event itself is a big fundraiser for the radio station as well as a deserving charity each year. Now sharing the old Rotary Health Centre on Columbia Ave with the food bank, the natural choice for a partnering charity this year was indeed the stations room-mates. Half of the $13 admission will be donated to the food bank so your Saturday night fun isn’t just a fun escape from the work-week but also a way to give back to the community.


Always quick to get behind worthy events, the local business community has once again stepped up to provide countless prizes ranging from Gnarlie’s Angels tickets, original art from local artists and many more top notch prizes to be won.


If you’re building a team of ten for this year’s event, the organizers have noted that it’s not all about trivia, and that a well-rounded team will be the key to victory.


“Both years we had something where a team absolutely excelled at the trivia but not so much the games so you really have to have both skills,” added Dillus.


If you’ve got friends that know their pop-culture trivia, aren’t shy of a little public exhibitionism, have some mean charade talents and happen to carry a number of random objects around with them, you’re on the right track in putting together a winning team. Just make sure you bring your ‘A’ game and a willingness to perhaps make a fool of yourself in public in the name of fun and raising money for a good cause. Then you may just be in the running to be a key player in a memorable moment.


One such moment that stuck out as a Rossland defining moment at last year’s event for the host was an epic choral rendition of a Disney classic.


“Last year we did songs from Disney movies in which I played a few seconds of the song, without lyrics and teams had to guess the title. I’d stop the song and people would just keep singing. Having a hundred people all singing “A Whole New World” from Aladdin was amazing. I’d stop the music and the whole place was singing and swaying. It’s just typical Rossland where people really get into what they do. That’s one aspect that makes this town such a great place to live.”


Tickets are available at Café Books West and includes one free drink for Rossland Radio Co-op members. Doors open Saturday at 7:00 with the festivities kicking off at 7:30.


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