
City organizations benefit from $110,036 in CBT funding

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
May 5th, 2011

Twenty Castlegar organizations are feeling the love after city council made its recommendations for the distribution of Columbia Basin Trust’s Community Initiative Funding grants.

  Working with a kitty of over $110,000 this year, council gave the largest sum, $20,000, to SculptureWalk.  “SculptureWalk has been incredibly popular – we’ve only heard good things about it,” said councillor Russ Hearne. “I, personally, see it as an economic driver for the community – people come here to see the sculptures and end up buying gas, eating, and patronizing other businesses here.  “It really has paid off well for us.”  Another huge chunk of change, $15,000, will go to the Rotary Club’s outdoor exercise equipment for Twin Rivers Park, down by the Millennium Walkway.  “They’ve been wanting to this for over a year now, and it’s a perfect fit with the planning we’ve been doing around city parks,” Hearne said. “It’s a well-planned project that promotes fitness and enhances a community park – can’t go wrong with that.”  The  Castlegar Rec Centres summer camps program and the Habitat for Humanity build slated for Castlegar got $14,000 each, and the Castlegar Arts Council’s Kootenay Festival will receive $10,000.  “2011 will be the festival’s first year,” said Hearne of the even slated for this July near the Doukhobor Discovery Centre,” and it’s already shaping up to be amazing, with lots of bands and attractions – I think it will be an economic driver for the city, too … it’s not just a grant, it’s an investment.”  In all, $110,036 were doled out.  Hearne said the city received just under 50 applications, and the ones that were turned down were largely for events or projects slated for outside Castlegar. “We wanted to fund local initiatives that will benefit the residents of our city,” he said.  Hearne said the one disappointment, for him, was how few applications they got. “The number of applications was down significantly compared to previous years,” he said. “I would encourage other groups and organizations to throw their hats in the ring – we always enjoy seeing innovative, community-based projects.


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