
From turn lanes to tennis courts, city undertakes ambitious summer schedule

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
July 21st, 2011

 Several long-awaited upgrades, repairs and projects are now underway in Castlegar, council heard at its regular meeting Monday night.

“A lot of these projects are long awaited – because of our situation with Celgar, we had to put some of this work on hold last year,” said Kevin Chernoff, city councillor and chair of the Civic Works committee. “This year, things are moving along – some based on our budget, some through grants and lobbying other levels of government.  “There’s a lot happening this summer. I think residents will be very pleased at the results, thanks to the diligence of our Public Works Department.”  Some of the highlights include:  

  1. 34th St. and 3rd Avenue Storm Project – This is Phase 2 of a multiyear project that is aimed at bringing a formal storm system to the 3rd, 4th, & 5th Avenue benches between 32nd Street and 36th Street. The project is substantially complete.
  1. Park Reservoir Site Preparation – This project includes creating a suitable site for the future South Castlegar Reservoir Complex. Eventually the site will house two new 2.7 mega litre reservoirs. It includes all associated underground piping, 250 sq. m. of retaining wall and over 200 m of new fence. The project is valued at $315,000 and is approximately 80% complete.
  1. Airport Island Entrance work – Work is currently being done to install new islands and replace existing islands at the entrance to the West Kootenay Regional Airport. This is a joint project between the City of Castlegar, Chances Gaming Center and the Ministry of Transportation valued at approximately $40,000. The work will be completed by the end of July.
  1. 2011 Capital Paving Program – Due to mechanical problems, the paving program is currently on pause. It is approximately 30% complete and valued at $420,000.
  1. Re-Paving North Section of Millennium Walkway – This project is scheduled to begin after the 2011 Capital Paving program is complete and is valued at $30,000.
  1. Twin Rivers Estates entrance re-alignment – This project will allow full turning movements from the Twin Rivers Estates development onto Highway 22. The project is currently out to tender and work is anticipated to be complete by the end of August.
  1. 22nd Street and Highway 22 Storm, Water and Pedestrian Improvements – This project is multifaceted project aimed at eliminating a number of issues in one location. The project is a partnership between the Ministry of Transportation and the City. A formal storm sewer will be installed to eliminate current storm water concerns around the 2200 block of Columbia Avenue (Highway 22). A new water main will be installed with a new hydrant on the east side of Highway 22 allowing more effective fire fighting and to allow servicing on the east side of Highway 22 without requiring costly crossings. Pedestrian improvements will be completed at 22nd Street to address crosswalk concerns at this location. The project is currently at the tendering stage
  1. Airport Lands Servicing – Currently out to tender this, this multi year project will see water and sewer servicing be extended from the City to Airport Lands. A $375,000 grant was received for this project from the Towns for Tomorrow grant program.
  1. Tennis Court Resurfacing – The tennis courts at the Community Complex are receiving a major facelift in preparation for the B.C. senior’s summer games. This work will be completed by the end of July.

For more information, contact Civic Works at 250-365-5979.



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