
Quebec 'Orange Crush' Comes to Southern Interior

By Contributor
October 19th, 2011

Some of the “Orange Crush” wave of newly-elected, young Quebec MPs will be in the West Kootenays at the end of October, joining in on local events.


On Saturday, October 29th at the Fireside Inn in Castlegar, the federal NDP Riding Association of BC Southern Interior will be holding its Annual General Meeting from 1:00 to 3:00 PM.  It will feature a presentation by MP Alex Atamanenko and an introduction of the newly-elected MPs, followed by a chance to meet and speak with the MPs at a reception immediately after the meeting.

A Gala Fundraising Dinner will follow in the evening at the Fireside Inn, beginning at 5:30 PM.  Guest Speakers include Atamanenko, MPs Alexandrine Latendresse, Philip Toone and others.  Cost for the fundraising dinner is $100. 

Everyone is invited to attend both events and meet these dynamic new Quebec MPs who will share their stories about the orange wave which swept Quebec and engaged so many youth and others in the last federal election.

For further information or to purchase or reserve tickets phone 250-365-7633 or email snowdance@shaw.ca. There are also plans for the new MPs to make some guest appearances at other upcoming events in Castlegar, Nelson and Kaslo.  Stay tuned for more information!

This post was syndicated from https://rosslandtelegraph.com
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