
Police set out rules and regs for All Hallows Eve

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
October 28th, 2011

 Ghosts, goblins and ghouls may roam the streets in the days to come … but it’s the cops you should be scared of, if you’re indulging in any over-the-top revelry.

“The Castlegar RCMP will have an enhanced presence to deal with any Hallowe’en generated issues,” said RCMP Cpl. Deb Postnikoff. “Officers will be dedicated to deal with issues at Kinnaird Park, Millennium Park, the Castlegar Complex and any other potential problem areas that arise.   “We will be working in partnership with City Works, Castlegar Fire Department, Selkirk Security, as well as Citizens on Patrol (COP), who will be supplying volunteers to enhance patrol capability. Police road blocks will be visible throughout the city. The superintendent of city works has ordered a closure of Kinnaird Park and Millennium Park for the evenings of Oct. 28, 29, 30 and 31st. Anyone found inside the park deliberately defying the closure order will be removed and charged under the Parks Bylaw. A $50 penalty applies.”  Postnikoff went to implore people to think before acting on what may seem, at the time, to be a “fun” impulse.  “Parents are encouraged to reiterate to their children to act appropriately and ensure them that what may appear to be a fun prank, could have negative results (ie: throwing apples at houses/vehicles creates damage to property and injury to innocent people),” she said. “Homeowners have the right to enjoy their property and not be fearful that it will be damaged by fire or mischief related offences.   Further, it should be reiterated that should they choose to become involved in inappropriate activity, they will be held accountable for their actions.”  Postnikoff also outlined the laws regarding fireworks, so people will know what is, and is not, allowed in terms of celebrations that go bang:  1. Except between Oct. 24 and Nov. 1 in any given year, a person must not sell, give, or set off fireworks. 2. You must be 19 years or over to possess or set off fireworks, unless under direct supervision of an adult. 3. Use of fireworks is limited to private property. 4. “Firecrackers” require a permit, which is generally only granted to the Chinese Community for specific cultural events. 5. Modifications to any fireworks which can cause serious injury or damage becomes an improvised explosive device, and are subject to penalties of the Criminal Code and the Explosives Act. 6. Illegal sale, possession, storage, or use of fireworks can result in charges under the Criminal Code of Canada, the Federal Explosive Act, or the Provincial Fireworks Act. Example: simply having in your possession any fireworks while you are under the age of 19 years old could result in a fine of $2,000 and/or imprisonment for six months.  7. All fireworks will be seized from individuals found in violation of these Acts.


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