No asbestos risk at Complex
The following is a press release issued by recreation manager Jim Crockett:
During the boiler upgrade of the Aquatic Centre, a four-inch hole was cut into the exterior wall. At this point vermiculite, a common insulating material, was found inside the wall. As vermiculite is known to be cross contaminated with asbestos, work was stopped and testing of the material was conducted. Test samples were taken from two locations in the Complex, the exterior wall of the Aquatic Centre and the exterior wall of the Arena. Both tests have shown trace (less than one per cent) amounts of asbestos. The test was conducted in accordance with current National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health analytical Method 9002.
Peak Environmental, the consultant hired to conduct the test provided the following commentary:
“As the concentrations of asbestos in vermiculite are extremely low and with the dilution affect, incurred in a room with active air movement, we perceive there would be no risk of exposure to airborne asbestos fibres released from this material in concentrations even approaching published WorkSafeBC and American Council of Government Industrial Hygienists Exposure Limits for airborne asbestos fibres of 0.1 fibres/cc of air.”
As a precautionary measure, the Castlegar and District Recreation Commission has retained Pacific Rim Industrial to remediate and contain vermiculite in the areas in question and to conduct air testing in the Community Complex. Peak environmental has been retained to conduct an Asbestos Inventory and Risk Assessment for the entire Community Complex and Pioneer Arena.