
Too much alcohol, turns into a threat and a court appearance for Lardeau man

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
March 9th, 2012

Too much alcohol turned into a threat and a court date for a 22-year-old Lardeau resident Wednesday in Nelson.

Just before midnighta group of males patrons were asked to leave a local drinking establishment in Nelson.

After some debate, the group slowly left the pub, but once outside more words were exchanged between staff and customers.

Police were called, but before arriving one of the patrons told staff he would return and made several gestures and comments to indicate that he had or would be bringing a gun. 

The males left the scene in two vehicles.

Staff from the pub provided Nelson Police with the licence plate and description of the vehicle associated to the male making the threats. 

This information was also forwarded by NPD to the Nelson RCMP.  NPD and RCMP units patrolled the city and surrounding area for the vehicle.

Approximately one hour after the initial threats call, one of the NPD units located the vehicle travelling on Nelson Ave in the area of the orange bridge. 

Once a second NPD unit and an RCMP unit were in position, the suspect vehicle was stopped.  The two male occupants were arrested and the vehicle was searched. 

Inside the trunk of the vehicle, police located a sawed-off pistol grip shotgun and approximately 50 shotgun shells.

 As a result of the Nelson Police investigation the Lardeau resident was released on a Promise to Appear and is scheduled to appear in Nelson court in April.

Charges of Possessing a Prohibited Weapon with Ammunition and Uttering Threats are being recommended.

Categories: Crime
