
Regional District of Central Kootenay gets it right with 2012 Financial Plan

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
March 28th, 2012

It’s never easy in this time of escalating costs, but the Regional District of Central Kootenay as finalized its Financial Plan for 2012.

“It is a complex process that involves commitment, patience and making decisions, some of which are very difficult,” said RDCK Chair John Kettle, adding all members of the Board have dedicated many hours to the process of establishing budgets, setting taxes and making service adjustments.

Some of the highlights include key administration areas were restricted to 1 percent or less in taxation; the board has requested staff and B.C. Transit to re-examine service delivery models for cost savings; and a hired consultant to conduct a cooperate review of the RDCK.

“To arrive at a balanced budget is a monumental task and I commend the Board for their effort,” said Kettle, noting the board acknowledges the economy is weak and taxpayers very little appetite for new taxation.

“We’ve held the line on taxation and we’ve prepared for the future. That’s a win-win for everyone.”

Other projects include undertake a two—three year project of software conversion starting in 2012 that will ensure computer systems and software are efficient, reliable and able to serve the entire RDCK for many years to come; the acquisition of three new waterfront parks — one in Balfour — and the implementation of Resource Recovery Plan that should see more recovery from waste.

Some of the major initiatives are the proceeding of Nelson’s new transfer station, the new Greater Nelson recreation master plan; proposed environmental improvements to the Creston, Ootischenia and Central landfills; water system upgrades totaling $3.2 million planned in 11 different systems across the regional district and the finalizing of the Creston Recreation Centre major capital expenditure program in 2012.

The 2012 budget taps out at $22,142,607 to deliver services to the regional district.

The amount was $21,672,513 in 2011 and $21,408,622 in 2010.

Categories: Politics
