
Introducing new Castlegar guide to resources for seniors

By Contributor
May 3rd, 2012

A helpful, up-to-date, easy to read resources guide to services for seniors is now available for residents in the Castlegar area.

The guide was funded by Interior Health and produced by the West Kootenay Boundary Regional Crisis Line.

Publicly-funded and private services listed in the guide range from government services, food and meal programs, health care resources, seniors’ housing and accommodation, foot care, home service providers, transportation, information lines, assistance for various health related conditions and so on.

Several years ago, a Trail & Area Seniors, Guide Closing the Gaps in Seniors’ Care, was created by the WKB Regional Crisis Line at the request of Home & Community Care staff at the Kiro Wellness Centre in Trail. Theresponse from seniors was so positive, that Interior Health asked the Crisis Line to create similar directories for other communities in the West Kootenay Boundary area.

Now that the Castlegar guide is completed, others for Arrow and Slocan Lakes, Nelson, the Boundary, Slocan Valley, Kaslo and Salmo are at various stages of development. The goal is to have them all completed by the end of May.

Both the Castlegar and Trail Directories are posted online for downloading and printing at www.trailfair.ca/seniors. Printed copies will be left at various locations in Castlegar, including the Seniors’ Centre, Castlegar and District Community Services, Castlegar Hospice and the Home and Community Care Office at the Castlegar & District Health Centre.

For more information about the Directories, please leave a message for Ann at the West Kootenay Boundary Crisis Line Office: 250-364-0274 or at 250-365-5077.


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