
CSI Kootenay: Cool new cop gadgets in Trail

By Contributor
May 31st, 2012

Ed Note: The following is a press release issue by RCMP Inspector Nick Romanchuk:

A digital fingerprint scanner, directly linked to the fingerprint and criminal record databases in Ottawa, has been installed at the RCMP Detachment in Trail. This device will allow us to become much more operationally efficient in terms of processing both criminal and civil fingerprints. Additionally, we will be able to provide an enhanced level of service to all communities in the West Kootenay/Boundary Region with respect to the processing of criminal record checks.


In some instances, fingerprints are required from individuals before their criminal record checks could be processed. The process of taking ink-based fingerprints, sending them to Ottawa, having them manually examined, and then mailed back could take several months to complete. Waiting this long for the results was particularly troublesome to the applicants especially if they needed the results quickly for a job application or other important purpose. With the new digital fingerprint scanner we will receive the results in approximately one week. We are currently working through a certification

process that will allow us to receive the results almost instantaneously.


We are extremely fortunate to have this piece of equipment in the West Kootenay/Boundary as residents from throughout the area will be able to travel to Trail to experience the quick processing times required in some instances. In the past, residents had the option of waiting for the results or

driving to some distant location to have their fingerprints taken and processed digitally.



Categories: CrimeGeneral
