
Police apprehend partially naked man at Lakeside Park

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
July 22nd, 2012

A 45-year-old man known to police was housed in Nelson Police Department lockup after a string of incidents relating to drugs, including running around Lakeside Park partially naked.

The incident happened Friday (July 20) when NPD was called to Lakeside Park on a report a man was partially naked.

It appears the man had been coming down after using street drugs the night before.

The man was located but later in the day caused more of a disturbance at a few more locations.

Police took the man to NPD cells until the drugs had left his system.

Mother Nature strikes again

On Saturday (July 21) Nelson was hit with another storm, which this time tied up city staff, including police and fire, for some time.

On View Street a large tree fell across the power line closing the street.

Emergency crews quickly responded to fix the damage.

The storm also pushed over trees that trapped a few citizens in Cottonwood Park.

The Integrated Road Safety Unit would also like to thank the citizens who helped free the people.

Two people now have court dates

Nelson Police arrested two people on possession charges Saturday on Baker Street.

NPD were called to the 400 block of Baker Street on the report of an open use of drugs.

Two individuals were detained, and upon search of a 24-year-old male, police found a quantity of drugs and items from a local store with tags.

The male was arrested and is scheduled to appear in Nelson court for charges of possession of a controlled substance for the purpose trafficking and possession of stolen property.

The female, who had just arrived in Nelson and is known to police province wide, was released. 

The woman was arrested a short time later for causing a disturbance in a separate incident. 

She will also appear in Nelson court Oct 23 to answer to the charges. Both are to remain out of the downtown core until their court appearances.

Warrant issued for assault suspect

On Saturday (July 21) a local female ran into the Nelson Police Department to report she was just assaulted in the 500 block Ward Street.

Officers searched the area but the 33-year-old female suspect, known to NPD, had fled. 

A warrant for her arrest has been requested.  The victim was transported to Kootenay Lake Hospital to be treated for her injuries.

Road checks net three drunk drivers

Between (Wednesday) July 18 and (Saturday) July 21 three Immediate Roadside Prohibitions were served on drunk drivers in Nelson. 

The penalty is an automatic 90-day license suspension and a 30-day vehicle impoundment. 

People are reminded to think twice about driving after having anything to drink, especially in this recent hot weather, which might affect how you react to the alcohol you consume.

Categories: Crime
