
IntegrityBC releases Christy's Christmas Castle animation

Dermod Travis
By Dermod Travis
November 27th, 2012

IntegrityBC has released Christy’s Christmas Castle, an animated video to drive home an important aspect of the organization’s campaign on electoral finance reform.

Since 2005, the B.C. Liberal party has raked in more than $40 million from big business and is now the only major B.C. political party that still opposes a ban on corporate and union donations to B.C.’s political parties. 

The B.C. NDP, B.C. Conservatives, B.C. Greens, B.C. First, Vision Vancouver, the NPA, and COPE all support a ban, as well as reforming other sections of B.C.’s electoral finance laws.

The release of IntegrityBC’s video comes on the heels of last week’s criticism of the B.C. government’s proposed tax breaks for smaller micro-breweries.

Today, the government approved the tax changes which will benefit micro-breweries that expand, including Prince George-based Pacific Western Brewing.

Pacific Western Brewing and its owner Kazuko Komatsu have donated $112,979.38 to the B.C. Liberal party since 2005.

IntegrityBC is calling on citizens to join the organization in helping to cajole the B.C. Liberal party to get onside with British Columbians on this important issue, by signing and sharing IntegrityBC’s campaign finance reform petition.

This post was syndicated from https://rosslandtelegraph.com
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