
Kootenay Contraption Contest 2012 in full swing

By Contributor
December 2nd, 2012

Imagine the year is 2050. Gigantic, funny-shaped towers surround your view, a hovercraft zips by and of course, your robot butler hands you your drink. While we may still be far from this sort of scenario, one of the most important questions then (as now) is:

“How will we use less energy?”

KAST- GLOWS (Growing, Learning Opportunities with Science) is inviting kids in Grades 2-8 from School Districts 8, 10, 20 and 51 to enter the 2012 Kootenay Contraption Contest to help us answer this question.  This exciting contest encourages kids to be as creative and innovative as possible: design a contraption that solves this future problem.

The contraption doesn’t necessarily have to work, but a sketch-up and description of how it solves the problem are essential. Contraptions may be drawn, built and videotaped, digitally-built, or otherwise. Creative applications of technology are encouraged–and adored!

The 2012 Kootenay Contraptions Contest runs from November 12 to December 14. Entries will compete for the overall grand prize of an iPad and the best submission in each grade will win a classroom pizza party.

Entries can be submitted in a variety of ways: post them on our GLOWS facebook page and email associated name, grade and school information to erin@kast.com. Or dowload the entry form from our website and either mail it to KAST at Box 119, Rossland, BC, V0G 1Y0 or scan it and email it to erin@kast.com.

This post was syndicated from https://rosslandtelegraph.com
Categories: Technology


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