
Selkirk College on list of BC Real Estate grants

By Contributor
December 27th, 2012

The Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia recently announced that its awarding $550,127 in funding to thirteen non-profit projects across British Columbia — among the recipients is Nelson’s Selkirk College.

The Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia’s Board of Governors approved 67 grants over the course of 2012 totaling $2.34 million.

“We are excited about the work this Nelson based non-profit is undertaking,” said Jack Wong, Chief Executive Officer of the Real Estate Foundation.

“We support its commitment to sustainable land use and look forward to seeing their projects unfold. This local organization is making a difference, not only in Nelson, but also in other areas of the province.”

Selkirk College (via the Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute) to improve the “State of the Basin” monitoring program based on best practice research.

Building on the 2008 State of the Basin program, the project will explore the landscape of sustainability research and planning in the Columbia Basin Boundary region; expand the list of environmental indicators; develop a web-based geospatial portal to facilitate informed decision-making and collaboration; and build the capacity of stakeholders to collect data, use the web portal, and link research to sustainability planning and implementation ($50,000).

Other recipients include five from Vancouver – City of Vancouver, the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, the Pembina Institute, Tides Canada and the Tyee Solutions Society – two from Burnaby – BCIT Foundation and Invasive Species Council of Metro Vancouver as well as the Comox Valley Project Watershed Society, Saanichton’s POLIS Foundation, Ruby Lake Lagoon Nature Reserve Society in Madeira Park, Shawnigan Residents’ Association in Shawnigan Lake and the BC Northern Real Estate Board in Prince George.

The Real Estate Foundation of BC supports real estate and land use practices that contribute to resilient, healthy communities and natural systems. The Foundation provides grants and information to non-profit organizations working to enable transformational change in BC communities.

To be eligible for a Real Estate Foundation grant, an organization must have non-profit status and be working to improve sustainable land use and real estate practices in BC. The Foundation’s current subject matter focus areas for the grants program are Built Environment, Fresh Water Sustainability and Sustainable Food Systems. All funding criteria are on the website at refbc.com.
A full list of the December grant recipients can be found here: http://refbc.com/grants/grants_approved/Dec2012.


