
UPDATED: Police issue release re: MVA near airport

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
May 1st, 2013

Police have issued a release regarding an accident this morning that sent three Castlegar residents to hospitals.


“Two vehicles were travelling northbound on Highway 3a, with one of the vehicles in the merge lane just north of the entrance to Castlegar,” said RCMP Sgt. Laurel Mathew. “The 85-year-old driver in the merge lane realized he was going the wrong direction from where he wanted to be going, and did a u-turn in front of the vehicle traveling in the main lane.


“The vehicle in the main lane was unable to avoid the u-turning vehicle, struck it, and caused it to roll on its side. The second car was occupied by an 80-year-old driver and his 75-year-old passenger. All parties involved were transported to hospital via ambulance. The extent of their injuries are unknown at this time, however did not appear to be life threatening at the time of transport.


“Police are still investigating and charges are pending against the 85-year-old driver.”

Previous story:

A two-vehicle accident at the junction near the airport has seen three people sent to hospital this morning, according to fire chief Gerry Rempel.

Rempel said the crash happened at roughly 11 a.m., and the Jaws of Life were required to extract victims from the wreckage.

There’s no word yet on whether the victims were local, nor whether their

injuries are life-threatening.

Traffic is still flowing in both directions around the accident site.

Categories: General
