
MP supports today`s march against Monsanto in Castlegar

Alex Atamanenko MP
By Alex Atamanenko MP
May 25th, 2013

Alex Atamanenko, MP (BC Southern Interior) is hoping there will be a massive turnout for the May 25th march against Monsanto, the leading seller of genetically engineered (GE) seeds, at events scheduled around the world, including Castlegar.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for citizens everywhere to speak with one voice against Monsanto’s control over seeds, farmers and the global food supply,” said Atamanenko. “I very much regret that my duties in the House of Commons will not permit me to march with alongside my Castlegar constituents.”

According to Atamanenko the so-called ‘benefits’ of trademark GE technology so often touted by Monsanto as necessary in feeding the world are a complete scam.

“GE crops can lay claim to really only two traits – the herbicide tolerant gene, as in Roundup Ready, and the Bt pesticide gene (Bacillus thuringiensis), which renders the entire plant a pesticide factory,” noted the BC MP. “All the inherent qualities of a seed that contribute to yield and nutritional enhancements are still being achieved by conventional breeding methods and can in no way be credited to genetic engineering.”

Atamanenko says the emergence of resistant super weeds is now forcing farmers to use more herbicides, including older toxic ones like dicamba and 2,4-D. Many recent studies are pointing to all kinds of harm to human health and the environment.

“It’s time to take back control of our food supply,” concluded Atamanenko. “My thoughts will be with everyone that joins in the Castlegar march against Monsanto this Saturday (May 25th) starting 1:00 pm at the Millennium Park and ending up at the Community Complex or in Penticton where the event starts at 11:00 am at Gyro Park,100 Main Street, Penticton.”

For more information, please contact: Alex Atamanenko, 250-365-2792


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