Car crash to be staged at Playmore Junction Friday
Residents are being warned not to be concerned if they see a massive car crash at the Playmore Junction tomorrow.
“On Friday, May 31st, between approximately 9 a.m. and noon, the Tarry’s fire department will be setting up a “mock” accident scene at Playmore Road and Eden Road near the Mt. Sentinel school,” said RCMP Sgt. Laurel Mathew. “This scene will look like an authentic car crash and will include seven casualties (drama students will take these roles), crashed cars, as well as fire rescue, EMS, and police (from Crescent Valley, Beasley, Tarys and Castlegar).
“The fire department has done this in the past, and it is an educational/awareness building exercise focussing on the aftermath of drinking and/or drugging and driving. Approximately 150 Grade 11 and 12 students from Mount Sentinel Secondary School will be present, and there will be a debriefing afterwards where students can ask questions and interact with emergency workers.
“This is just a notice to advise that the accident scene will be a staged one, and not a real life one, should people drive by and see this set up,” she said.
The warning is appropriate, as organizer, Tarys Fire Department training officer Dave Laramee, said the event is very impactful.
“This is our fourth time doing this,” said. “We do it every second year, and invite both the Grade 11 and Grade 12s. It has a huge impact – one time we had a member of the audience pass out. We have school counsellors on hand to talk to the students about it, and we have a debriefing.”
“It’s all about educating them to make smart choices.”