
Castlegar Primary hosts 'Heroes for Health'

Christine Esovoloff
By Christine Esovoloff
June 13th, 2013

The kids at Castlegar Primary School got a big surprise this Thursday when Superman and his friends showed up at the school’s year-end sports day. Spencer Voykin from Peak Physique was behind the caped-crusader surprise as a part of a ‘Heroes For Health’ initiative that he is starting in our area.

“As the owner of a gym and as an ex-overweight child, I know both sides of being healthy and unhealthy. Helping to teach kids about proper nutrition, the importance of exercise, and keeping active is very important to me. I want to help kids develop healthy habits at a young age.” says Voykin.

As a part of the program, children got a chance to pose for a photo with their favorite superhero, talk about the importance of health and fitness, and even do a few exercise drills with the costumed crime fighters.

When asked how he felt about the visit, Principal Kere MacGregor said, “We’re thrilled to have Peak Physique here promoting community partnership and healthy lifestyle. We’re not just a primary school, but a big part of the community as well, and it’s great that we are all working together to teach the importance of health and exercise to our children.”

Voykin plans to continue bringing “Heroes For Health’ to various other events around the community.


-1°C Clear Sky

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