West Kootenay Roller Derby double header
It’s time for another derby double header on June 22 at the Nelson Civic Centre.
First up, at 5 p.m., is Killjoys vs Babes of Brutality: If you were able to catch the last match up between the Babes and The Killjoys, you would know that it was an all-out grudge match. The score flipped and flopped back and forth faster than a live fish in frying pan. The final whistle of the bout signaled the Babes ahead on the score board … the team was ecstatic! However, it is custom in the sport of roller derby to go over the officials paper work after a close bout to check that the score was added up correctly. Low and behold, there was discrepancy between the score board and the official paper work and the Killjoys reversed the final score by two points and took the win away from the celebrating Babes of Brutality. I’m not going to say there are any hard feelings about the switch of winners, but what I am going to say is that these two teams are going to make sure there is no room for error in the score-keeping this time.
Next up, at 7 p.m., see Valley Vendettas vs Dam City Rollers: Folks seriously, this match is going to pretty much dictate the standings of our league. Game three for the Dams with two losses – they need to win this bout. If they lose, it’s goodbye to the playoffs and time to start thinking about beer and after parties. The Valley Vendettas had a strong showing against the Babes of Brutality in game two of our season, coming away with their first win uh… EVER! The Dams lost against the Babes so mathematically speaking the Valley is the team to beat in this match up and maybe this season?
Beer Garden
$10 advance tickets
$15 @ the door
Kids 12 and under $2.00@ the door.
Tickets available:
Phat Angel 495 Baker St, Nelson, BC
or online www.kootenayrollerderby.com
like us on facebook/wkrollerderby