
Emergency Operations Centre offers update on local flooding

Emergency Operations Centre
By Emergency Operations Centre
June 21st, 2013

A number of incidents of flooding, slides and infrastructure damage are being addressed by the RDCK Emergency Operations Centre (EOC), agencies and other organizations, particularly at several locations in Area D.

At Hamill Creek, the bridge and approaches were washed out and one home was swept downstream and another suffered damage to its foundation due to overflow  from the prolonged intense rainfall. Emergency Social Services (ESS) is making contact with the family who lost their home; the EOC is establishing contact with the other few permanent residents and a small number of campers at Glacier Creek who were stranded. A loss of power and phone service in much of the Lardeau Valley due to downed and damaged lines is impacting efforts. Utility crews are working to restore services as quickly as possible.

Highway 31 is open to single lane, alternating traffic at both locations where it was impacted. Highway 31A remains closed at this time due to high water running across it, although Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure crews are hoping to establish single lane traffic later today. They also report a slough near Sidar on Highway 3A has necessitated single lane, alternating traffic for now.

A number of small water systems have been impacted or damaged.  Water user groups have activated their emergency water plans. Several slides on area creeks have pushed debris into Kootenay Lake – boaters are advised to exercise caution due to logs and debris.

The forecast is for continued rain through Tuesday, with maximum localised amounts to 20 millimetres. Even though most area creeks and streams have peaked and are receding slowly, persons are advised to stay clear of banks as they are saturated and can give way without warning.

To report an incident please call 1-800-663-3456. For information on cleanup from flood events and how to be safe post-event, visit Interior Health’s website: www.interiorhealth.ca/YourEnvironment/EmergencyPreparedness   

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