
Stand off with suicidal man in Trail ends peacefully

Trail Champion
By Trail Champion
July 30th, 2013

Emergency responders negotiatied a successful ending to a stand-off with a suicidal man yesterday, according to Trail RCMP Sgt. Rob Hawton.

“On July 29, at approx. 6:45 p.m., Trail RCMP received a report of a man in his early 20s on the Trail bridge, with a rope tied around himself,” Hawton said.

“When police attended, the man ran towards East Trail and was later located on the roof of Kiro Manor, threatening to kill himself.

“At one point, he tried to grab a live power line. Fortis attended and cut power to the line. The fire department then positioned their ladder truck to enable police to access the roof, where the man was taken into custody, without injury. Firefighters then assisted in removing the man from the roof and he was taken to hospital for assessment.

“It is believed he had consumed a large quantity of alcohol and drugs prior to this incident.”

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