
KAST to offer BC Venture Acceleration Program

By Contributor
August 1st, 2013

BCIC today welcomed the Kootenay Association for Science and Technology (KAST) as a partner offering the BC Venture Acceleration Program. KAST in Rossland and the Kootenay Rockies Innovation Council (KRIC) in Cranbrook are both joining a provincewide network of partners offering a structured venture growth program to BC tech entrepreneurs.

“The rapid growth of BC’s technology sector provides a wide range of opportunities.” said Minister of Technology, Innovation and Citizens’ Services Andrew Wilkinson. “Our support for the BC Innovation Council and its regional network of Venture Accelerators like the Kootenay Association for Science and Technology is creating an environment where a new generation of technology start-ups can grow and thrive, bringing the advantages of a strong tech industry to the Kootenays and across BC.”

“KAST is pleased to offer technology entrepreneurs the opportunity to accelerate their growth through the BC Venture Acceleration Program,” said Kelvin Saldern, Executive Director of KAST.

“As the catalyst for advancing technological development to revitalize and diversify the West Kootenay-Boundary region, we are confident the Venture Acceleration Program will help local tech startups and entrepreneurs seize opportunities in the knowledge economy.”

The Venture Acceleration Program is a structured venture growth program that helps early-stage entrepreneurs in BC grow their companies. It is funded by BCIC in the Kootenays in partnership with the Southern Interior Development Initiative Trust. Offered through regional partners in the BC Acceleration Network and led by a dedicated Executive in Residence (EIR), the program encourages a disciplined approach to growing a technology company. At $200 per month, the venture Acceleration Program offers exceptional value to startups.

“The Venture Acceleration Program provides technology entrepreneurs anywhere in the province with easy access to highly qualified entrepreneurial expertise and know-how in an organized and consistent manner,” said Dean Prelazzi, Managing Director of the BC Acceleration Network. “BCIC is pleased to be working in partnership with KAST and KRIC in the Kootenays to support the growth of entrepreneurs in this region.”

This post was syndicated from https://rosslandtelegraph.com
Categories: Business


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