
City council by-election candidate Kirk Duff - in his own words

Kirk Duff
By Kirk Duff
August 22nd, 2013

Hi, Castlegar! For those of you who don’t know me, here’s a little bit about who I am and why I’d be proud to represent you again on Castlegar city council:


·         Born in Vancouver, BC

·         Have lived in four different provinces

·         Married to my partner Myra for 32 year

·         We have 3 children and 5 grandchildren

·         We have resided in Castlegar for 25 years and truly love it

·         I work for Teck Metals in Trail, BC as a Quality Assurance Specialist. I reach 35 years in Feb., 2014. With Teck Metals I have extensive experience with Training & Quality systems.

Community Involvement

·         Castlegar Sculpture Walk, President

·         Castlegar & District Public Library, 12 year Board Member

·         Castlegar & Kimberley Lions Clubs, 30+ year member

I strongly believe in community service as evidenced by my long term commitment to our community.

The Lions Vision is to be the “global leader in community and humanitarian service with a mission to empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions Clubs”. Castlegar Lions do it one hamburger at a time!

The Castlegar & District Public Library vision is “Minds Grow Here! Your Gateway to Lifelong Learning”. Their mission is to “provide a place for you in the community to explore, create, and share information and ideas”. Thanks to the Library Board, Staff & Volunteers – Mission Accomplished!

“Imagine … a vital downtown with different sculptures displayed every year … Castlegar citizens choosing what they want displayed in our community” – A very powerful Castlegar Sculpture Walk vision that has become a reality through the hard work of many dedicated volunteers. A true Community builder and Creative Economy initiative that we all can be proud of!

I am very passionate and proud to be involved with these community organizations.

Local Government Experience

·         City Councillor, Castlegar & Kimberley, 20 years

·         Executive Member, Association of Kootenay Boundary Local Governments, 5 Years

·         Chair, Regional Hospital District, 4 years

·         Director, Regional District of Central Kootenay, 9 years

My first foray into politics came during the 1968 Federal election. I was nine years old at the time and wore the campaign pins from the 3 major parties on my ball cap. My Dad then sat me down and explained what was going on! My lifelong interest in politics, community building and the art of getting things done had begun. Skip ahead a few years … when I was first elected to City Council in Kimberley my Dad was first elected in 100 Mile House!

I have extensive local government experience. I have served on all of the different Council committees at one time or another and assisted many residents and groups with a variety of issues. When an issue, concern or problem is before me I always try to manage it with integrity and with respect for those involved.

I have gained valuable insight on the workings of Local, Provincial & Federal levels of government.

My experience working for the community can be immediately put back to work for the remainder of the current term of our City Council.

Refreshed, Renewed & Ready to Go!

Categories: GeneralOp/EdPolitics


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