
Logging truck loses its load on Hwy 3 in Trail

Trail Champion
By Trail Champion
October 29th, 2013

No was injured Monday morning when a logging truck’s load overturned on the highway near Waneta Mall, according to RCMP Sgt. Rob Hawton.

“On Oct. 28, shortly after 10 a.m., police and fire attended a logging truck accident on Highway 3B at Devito Drive in Trail,” Hawton said in a press release today.

“A fully loaded logging truck was turning left from Devito Drive onto Highway 3B when the load shifted and overturned the trailer onto the shoulder of the eastbound lane of (the highway).

“A large portion of the load went over the bank.”

Hawton said there were no injuries and no other vehicles involved.

A Motor Vehicle Branch Inspector attended, along with an RCMP Collision Analyst, and the eastbound curb lane of Highway 3B was closed for the remainder of the day.

As a result of the investigation, the driver of the truck was issued a Violation Ticket under the Motor Vehicle Act for Drive without Due Care as well as inadequate brakes.

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