
Paulson Pass impassable for hours due to road conditions

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
November 9th, 2013

Yesterday afternoon saw Highway 3 near the Paulson Summit shut down for several hours after road conditions made it near-impassable for large trucks.

Trail RCMP Cpl. Mike Wilson said, “The weather up there was horrendous. I spoke to the (lead investigator on the scene) and he said the road conditions were appalling.

“There were a lot of stuck tractor trailers. One of them ended up sprawled across the highway (after losing control and skidding), blocking both lanes,” Wilson added, explaining the truck did not overturn, and no one was injured.

“Once the road was sanded and plowed, everything got moving again,” he said.

One driver was issued a violation ticket for not employing chains on his tires.

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