
MP speaks out against horse neglect in GF

Alex Atamanenko
By Alex Atamanenko
December 10th, 2013

EDITOR’S NOTE: Ten emaciated horses were siezed by the BC SPCA from Kevin LaFond’s farm just outside of Grand Forks last week. Two of the horses were immediately destroyed. This is not the first time the SPCA has been called to this farm.

I recently had a chance to see the CTV news clip explaining the SPCA intervention on November 30th and December 1st in Grand Forks at the Lafond property. Frankly, I am relieved that some action has been taken. 

At the request of some Grand Forks residents, I drove by this property on November 24th and was disgusted by the deplorable sight of horses without shelter crowded into muddy and manure filled fields.

According to the CTV report there were approximately 85 horses at the property on November 27th and 28th but at the time of the seizure only 24 remained. As the BC SPCA investigation continues, we are left to wonder whether the rest were released somewhere in the wild or taken to the nearest slaughter house in Alberta. 

Either scenario is appalling and inhumane.

From beginning to end the horse slaughter industry is a black mark on Canada (the US has banned the industry) and should be shut down immediately. Besides the many animal welfare issues it is notorious for, the slaughter industry has knowingly and for years been selling meat from US and Canadian horses that likely contain residues from horse specific drugs that are strictly prohibited for use at any time in all food animals.  Horses are regarded as pets, companions or sport animals – not as human food and are medicated accordingly. To bring about an end to this predatory and toxic industry, I have introduced Bill C-322 to prohibit the import or export of horses or horsemeat across provincial or international borders for the purpose of human consumption. It will be debated in the House of Commons in early March.

The type of abuse I witnessed at the Lafond farm so its owner can profit from an industry that is selling unfit meat to Canadian and foreign markets has to end. 

This post was syndicated from https://boundarysentinel.com
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