
GF hosts open house to answer water metre questions

By Contributor
January 28th, 2014

More than 100 residents came to the City of Grand Fork’s informational open house, thirsty to learn more about the upcoming expansion of water metre to all residential homes in city limits. 

“On behalf of council and our staff, we’d like to say thank you to everyone who was able to attend. We were extremely pleased with the turnout and the level of interest,” says Grand Forks Acting Mayor, Bob Kendel. “We had a lot of great questions about the water metre program, the process and what will happen next. The information we received from the comments and the 

feedback forms will be used to help us better meet the needs and interests of our community as we expand the water metre program to our residential customers.” 


The open house was an opportunity for people to learn more about residential water metre, the installation process, comparative costs and how the community and customers can use them to their benefit. It was the first open house held to launch the program and more are planned in the future to ensure the community is informed as the program unfolds. 


“One of the most common questions we’ve been getting about the new program is about the cost,” says Mayor Brian Taylor. “The ‘mock billing period’ will be used to show people how much water they use and provide examples of what it might cost. This information will help city council establish the new water rates. Any proposed new rates would be shared with the community at another open house to provide more information and get feedback prior to 



Expanding the program to residential homes is a natural progression, as water metres were installed over the past decade in all industrial, commercial, institutional and most multi-family properties in Grand Forks. As well as saving most homeowners money on their water bills, Kendel says water metres will also save the city money on electricity costs and from having to 

invest in expensive capital upgrades. 


So what happens next? The City has issued an expression of interest for pre-qualified contractors and, once a list of qualified contractors is determined, will issue a request for proposals to choose the company that will install the metres. 


The City plans to host a series of open houses to provide more information as the process unfolds. This includes a “meet and greet” once the contractor is selected and future ones to explain the mock billing process. 


If you missed the Jan 22nd open house, you can still view the display panels, read the newsletter and the frequently asked questions on our website at www.grandforks.ca. Plus, you can click the link to the feedback form and provide your comments before it closes on Feb. 14th. 


For ongoing updates, you can add your email address to receive project news via email by simply emailing us at info@grandforks.ca and ask to be added to the list. 


Additional information will also be posted on our website

Submitted by the City of Grand Forks


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