
Trail man arrested with child porn

Trail Champion
By Trail Champion
January 29th, 2014

A 31-year-old Trail man has been arrested for possession of child pornography, according to RCMP Sgt. Darryl Little.

“On January 23, police officers of the Crime Reduction Unit and Trail Detachment GIS Section executed a search warrant for the Possession of Child Pornography at a residence in Trail,” Little said in a press release this morning. “Police seized several computers at the residence. The Crime Reduction Unit in partnership with the B.C. Integrated Exploitation (“ICE”) Unit identified a male suspect during an investigation, which commenced in the beginning of January 2014.”

Little explained that the BC ICE unit is specialized in investigating internet-facilitated offences against children.

“A 31-year-old male was arrested later that day by police and taken into custody. Charges related to Possession of Child Pornography and Possession for the Purpose of Distribution have been forwarded to Crown Counsel for their assessment. The male was released on several conditions, including not to have any contact with anyone under the age of 16 years. He will be making his first appearance in Provincial Court on March 6, in Rossland.”

Little told parents the man’s release shouldn’t pose any threat to area kids.

“RCMP advise there is no evidence suggesting that any local children were involved in this investigation. Please be aware that no further information pertaining to this investigation will be able to be provided at this time.

“The BC ICE unit encourages anyone with information about online child exploitation to help protect children by reporting their concerns to Cybertip.ca.

“Cybertip.ca’s mandate is to protect children from online exploitation by receiving and analysing tips from the public about illegal material and activities regarding the online exploitation of children. Any leads are then referred to the appropriate law enforcement agency and/or child welfare agency. Cybertip.ca also provides the public with information and other resources such as support and referral services to keep families safe while using the Internet.



Categories: CrimeGeneral
