
Fifth Annual Castlegar Garden and Nature Fest looking for Vendors

By Contributor
March 20th, 2014

Well, here we are suffering from somewhat spring-like weather. Snowy nights and minus 10 degrees, followed by sunny days and plus seven degrees!  In some places the grass is laid bare, in other places there are drifts of snow four feet deep! Some of us are peering longingly into the snow banks and inspecting bare branches for a sign of any life….

But we know Spring will be here soon! We have heard the robins! The organizers for the upcoming Castlegar Garden and Nature Fest have begun planning and scheming to get things happening again this year for our Fifth Annual event! The date is May 17, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Community Complex Recreation Centre at 2101 6 Ave. 

The Castlegar Garden Club and Castlegar Communities in Bloom partner to sponsor this open-air fest that attracts at least forty vendors.

Local plant vendors will celebrate growing with all things GARDEN: perennials, shrubs, ornamental grasses, herbs; as well as wide selection of garden-ready veggie starts. Looking for something besides plants to adorn your green space? Other treasures at the fest are metal garden art, concrete stepping stones, birdbaths, and mosaics.

The garden fest is a way to encourage and expose people to nature and growing: which is always a good thing! Do you or someone you know have a nature hobby, grow seedlings or offer a unique type of plant?  Do you make bird, bat or bee houses? Do you belong to a nonprofit or educational group that would benefit from attending this festival? We are happy to have you join us! Contact us or visit the website for more information.

Contact: castlegargardenfest@shaw.ca

Web: www.castlegargardenfest.weebly.com
