
UPDATED: WorkSafe BC begins investigating into fatal logging accident west of Nelson

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
May 26th, 2014

Communications Officer Alexandra Skinner-Reynolds said WorkSafe BC has commenced an investigation into a fatal logging accident that happened Monday in the Nelson area.

Skinner-Reynolds said the provincial body received the call Monday of the accident.

The Nelson Daily learned the accident occurred in the Smallwood Creek Forestry area approximately 12 kilometers west of Nelson.

“It was reported to WorkSafe BC at 10:15 a.m. that a forestry worker received fatal injuries after being struck by a log,” Skinner-Reynolds told The Nelson Daily.

“The employer is AF Timber.”

RCMP said in a press release the decease is a 35-year-old man from Nelson.

Skinner-Reynolds said members of the Fatal and Serious Investigation Team would be conducting full investigation to what happened.

“At this time jurisdiction has been passed over to WorkSafe BC,” Skinner-Reynolds said.

“For all fatal and serious injuries we do assign a team to get to the site to find what could have contributed to the incident.”

Skinner-Reynolds said the investigation could take several months to conclude.

“If there were witnesses or if there were no witnesses . . .. We’ll look at engineering control, training or what could have possibly gone wrong,” Skinner-Reynolds explained.

“So it could take several months and we don’t release any information during an investigation . . .. We don’t like to speculate as to what happen.”

BC Coroners Service is assisting in this accident.

WorkSafe BC currently investigating fatal logging accident west of Nelson

Beasley Fire Department, along with Nelson Search and Rescue and RCMP, responded to a logging accident Monday morning in the Smallwood Creek area west of Nelson.

The call came in at approximately 8 a.m. of an accident in the Smallwood Creek road area. Smallwood Creek is approximately 12 kilometers west of Nelson.

Emergency crews responded immediately to the call but the worker had succumbed to injuries.

WorkSafe BC is currently investigating the accident.

No name is being released until next of kin has been notified.


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