
Conflict escalates as teachers union says 'no' to Grade 10 and 11 report cards

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
June 23rd, 2014

Protests and rallies are being held throughout the Kootenays today, including in Castlegar, as the conflict between the BC Teachers Federation and the provincial government continues to escalate.

Kootenay Columbia Teachers Union president Andy Davidoff issued a release today indicating teachers will not be issuing report cards for Grade 10 and 11 students.

“Kootenay Columbia has just declared Grade 10 and 11 report cards, ‘HOT'” he said. “We will not be participating in any review, consultation and will be returning all emails dealing with Grade 10 and 11 report cards to the Board.

“We will be asking all of our CUPE colleagues not to handle any report cards containing Grade 10 and 11 marks.

“These marks are not ‘essential’ to anyone,” he said.



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