
NFD responds to early morning tree fire

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
August 30th, 2014

Nelson’s police and fire departments both responded to a tree on fire with large flames in the 1500 Block of Ward Street early Saturday (August 30) morning.

Nelson Police arrived first at the call at 1515 Ward Street, extinguishing most of the fire using dry chemical extinguishers to help prevent the fire from spreading to the house said assitant Fire Chief Mike Daloise.

The first arriving crew from Nelson Fire Department primary objective was to ensure that the fire had not spread to the house itself and to extinguish the fire.

The fire crew initiated a fire investigation to try and determine the cause.

“The fire originated in the ornamental cedars and spread to the wood shed and some of the wood inside,” Daloise said of the 3:39 a.m. call.

Daloise said two firefighters responded to the incident with one fire engine..  no injuries were reported as a result of this incident. 

The cause of the fire is still under investigation and the Nelson Police Department are following up on leads.

Nelson Fire Rescue would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone to ensure that their yard is landscaped in a fire safe manner. 

For more information please feel free to call or stop by the fire station.

This post was syndicated from https://thenelsondaily.com
Categories: Crime


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